Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Nov. 23, 2015"Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together." D&C 50:22

(" Hastening the work has to do with the excitement we all feel about sharing the gospel message . This is a natural process that comes from love . "  - Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson)

Querido Familia y Amigos!                              Nov. 23, 2015

   Been thinking a lot this week about DyC 50:22, about rejoicing in the work, and it`s starting to work! Our Presidente taught us this week in the Concilio de Lìderes that we need to get rid of all of our fancy teaching analogies since they are more crutches and distractions than aids. So we are working on getting rid of them completely, and on teaching only pure doctrine. It is helping to teach much more straight forward and with power. Also we are doing better at teaching a principle first before asking them what they think about something (Like What is a prophet? etc.)    
        Yesterday was super awesome. We had set a goal to have 10 investigators in the Sacrament Meeting, and so we worked really hard to get there and invited everyone and tried to call and visit everyone we could to help them come. We had five investigators at church! And we would have had more if it hadn`t been elections. Three families came: D-(a Less ACtive) with his girlfriend M- and his brother Jo-. We didn`t have any contact with them last week since they canceled our cita, but we called and invited them to church anyway, and they came during the second hour. A-, her daughter Mi- (9), and her son JP- (7). We did divisiones and I went to look for them at 10:00 while Hermana A- taught the Principios class. S- --we have taught her a couple times; the last time was with a member, and she showed a lot more verdadera intenciòn and understanding. She said she would come at 10:30, and was waiting outside the gate when I got there with A- and the kids. They all said they liked the church and felt good. The members accepted them well, and we got them to sit with them too. D- participated really well in the class. We have citas with all of them for this week. 
    A- was a contact that Hermana A- found on divisiones. She has three kids, and is recently separated. We taught her Lesson  1, she liked it, and the kids understood too! They are all pretty reserved except for JP- who is super confident and does and says whatever he thinks. He is super adorable, and probably my favoritest kid here. 
    J- was supposed to come to church yesterday, and we don`t know why he didn`t, since he usually keeps his compromisos. We had a lesson with him on Friday after a week of not seeing him (since he went to Chile on a business trip). He said that he read and studied all of the scriptures that we marked for him to study every day! And that he had continued talking with a member family in the ward that we had our previous lesson with, and had lots of questions about the Palabra de Sabidurìa. So we talked about that a little bit but didn`t have very much time and told him that we were going to talk to him the next time more about that. 
    E- is having a hard time getting her respuesta. But she has been asking about Joseph Smith in her prayers. She says that she doesn`t feel very comfortable in the church=we need to get her more hermanamiento! We went with a member on Saturday, who shared about her conversion, who was also from the same religion before. That was good, since E- feels like she is changing Equipos de Fùtbol by changing her religion, even though she doesn`t go to her church or anything. She also heard something about tithing in the church, and doesn`t know what it means for us, so she has doubts about that too. We are going to teach her about that next time. 
    We have some super capos investigadores: G- y P-. P- is like 24ish, and is the son of G-. He told us that he was atheist when we started teaching him, but poco a poco has started to change! G- is looking for a true faith. It`s harder for her to change since she is older and has been a member of a different church her whole life, and also because she takes medicine to sleep, and so it is hard for her to fit reading into her day. Last time we went with a member and read Alma 32 together, since she hadn`t read. It was perfect, since it talked about how to grow your faith. P- is super inteligente, and he explained it and then G- understood too. Also at the end of the chapter it takes about satisfying your hunger and thirst, and the member testified about how it feels the holes in our life. And Pablo said that that is his need--that he has a gap and can`t fill it with school, buying things, playing fùtbol, etc. We testified that this is what he is looking for, and that only the gospel can fill that hole. That was so cool. We know now when we have the spirit with us, because we really leave rejoicing! 
    O- is the friend of G- --we found them on the same day at G-´s house. This week we went to visit him at his house with a member, and taught him about the Plan of Salvation. He somehow found a Book of Mormon at a bookstore a couple years ago, and has started to read it!  
    Se-, our Converso is doing well. We made a reading calendar with him to do the Area Presidency`s challenge, and he is keeping up with his goal, reading 2 chapters every day! We talked about the responsibilities of a Teacher, and are helping him to prepare for the Aaronic Priesthood. We want to get the rest of his family more involved and listening. So far his little brother came to his baptism, and one of his sisters has listened during one lesson. We are trying to have a Family Home Evening with them this week. 
  Lots of great things happening in the area! Looking for more investigators and trying to do more contacts in the street! Thanks to all who have written me recently--I really appreciate hearing from you and hearing about your spiritual experiences!
Love you all lots! 
--Hermana Durfee


Baptism for S.
Querido Familia y Amigos!                          Nov. 9, 2015

Nov. 2, 2015 And She's Back!!!

Querido Familia y Amigos!     Nov. 2, 2015
Hermana W, my temporary German companion
   Well this week has been about ten years long! Things are going well. We have a baptism this Saturday that we are preparing for. S- is doing really well. He came to church on Sunday, and is super excited for his baptism! He remembers a ton and applies all of the things that we teach him! 
   On Friday Hermana A- completed 15 months in the mission, so we celebrated by eating pancakes with strawberries and peanut butter. Yum!!
   Last Monday Presidente called us and asked us how long it would take to get from our pench to Atalaya (my first area), and said that he was thinking about putting hermanas back in there. Sweet! Then on Tuesday we had Special Capacitaciones and Entrevisitas with Pte, and he said that it was very likely that the Hermanas from Haedo would be flashed to either San Justo B or Atalaya B. So when the assitents called on Friday and said that the Hermanas were moving in that day, it wasn`t a huge surprise. What was a surprise was that they said that we would be doing divisiones for a couple days and that I would be going with the Senior companion to help her learn the area of Atalaya. 
Ward Mission Activity
    So we changed all of our plans that day, and after the Hermanas got here, I went with Hermana K- to Atalaya. Talk about super weird! So strange to go back to my first capilla, going down the streets, talking to the members, and antiguo investigadores. The members were all really excited, especially the Bishop, "Volviste!" And I had to tell them it was just for a few days. But the really cool thing is that I found out that a woman that my first companion and I found was later baptized with her daughter! That was so cool to go to her house and see her and know that we planted the first seed.  
     Weekly Challenge: Plant seeds! Share your testimony in words and actions with all that you meet! 
I love you all! 
Hermana Durfee <3

Oct. 26, 2015 Mosiah 28:3 :D

Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble.                                                    –Mosiah 28:3
Querido Familia y Amigos!                                         Oct. 26, 2015

    This week has been amazing! We made almost all of our goals! And we are working on finding escogidos every day. We found them the majority of the days.
     S- is doing well. We taught him this week about baptism and repentance, and about Palabra de Sabidurìa and follow the prophet. He applies all of the things that we teach him, and he is reading and praying. But he didn`t come to church this Sunday, since he went to a cinceñiera the night before, so we are going to move his baptismal date, since we want to make sure that he is firm in the church before he gets baptized. We also got his mom`s permission this week so that he can get baptized. She originally said that she doesn`t want it for her, but after we filled out the ficha with her, we taught her a little bit, and she said that we can come back to visit her again. :)
   Ja-is doing really well. We went with a member that is more mature, and were able to teach him in his house. She really helped us out, and answered a lot of his questions. He felt really good with her. We taught him how reading and praying and attending church can help him find answers and know the truth. In the end he said the prayer again, and said that he felt heard, and teared up. It was super good! He couldn`t come on Sunday, since there were elections, and he had to work the election table. But when we talked with our Lìder Misional on Sunday (who is his friend), he said that Ja- asked his dad for a white shirt and tie to come to church!!
    E- is a woman that we found week 1, when we saw a house and felt inspired to knock it. She came out and listened to us, and accepted a Book of Mormon. Yesterday she came to church, but she got there right when the Sacrament started, so had to wait outside until it ended. But she liked the church, and said that she felt peace. We taught her this week about The Plan of Salvation with her Less Active friend, P-. P- is from the South and moved here like 10 years ago, but never came to the church. P- was going to come to church with E-, but didn`t make it until right when it ended, but she came! We had a lesson with two active members, and had everyone introduce themselves and say how they felt, and what they learned in the church that day. It was super good, and we basically didn`t say anything. The members all talked and helped E- and P- to talk, and testified of things that are important for them in this time of their livesm and also about their own conversion process. So that was cool. We also learned things that they hadn`t told us before. For example, E-`s husband never stays to listen to us, but he is always in the kitchen, and E- says that he listens from there. Also, he is really opposed to churches since he had a bad experience with leaders of a different church when he was little, but he brought her to church! We have citas with both E- and P-, and are going to try to start teaching the rest of their families too.
   We are doing a lot better with contacts too, and following up with the contacts that we`ve already done. We found a ton of new investigators this week by doing that. That was also one of my goals from Thursday--to start more contacts, since usually my companion starts them. We applied that, and on Saturday we found 3 new investigators before lunch! And another escogido, and another contacto that is going to accept us back. We are working super hard to apply all of the things that we have learned, to sacar la tapa, to talk with everyone.
    We are working the areas of San Justo A and San Justo B, which is a lot. We had a thought this week that we are going to try to apply. Since before we were trying to work in all of the sections of San Justo, but there are some that are really far away, and hard to do it without getting spread super thin. So we are focusing more now on exploding one or two of the sections in each of the areas, A and B, so that when it gets divided again there will be people to work with in each area, and then with 2 companionships they will be able to explode more the parts of their areas that are farther away.
  I love you all! Keep up the good work, being missionaries to your friends! You never know who will accept the gospel now, or who will remember your good example in ten years and have interest. This work is true, and the only way to return to God and to live with our families forever!
Hermana Durfee

Oct. 19, 2015 No hay cual cosa como el limites!!:D

Querido Familia y Amigos!                                Oct. 19, 2015
Lots of running around this week! We had divisiones with Padua and with Ramos Mejìa. Lots of working on door contacts and street contacting, and how to make a contact shorter, more powerful, and how to start testifying and teaching from the beginning of every contact.
    Our President has given us a new standard of excellence: Find one "elegido" (elect) before lunch! We are working on doing that, and have found them about half of the days this week.  Some of them live in our area, and we are finding lots of references for other areas, so that`s super exciting! During the divisiones, we had one of the hermanas from Padua here with my comp, and the other hermana had already served here. So they found one of her antiguos on Tuesday when we did divisiones, so we are teaching them now--they are R- and J-. R- is super ready to be baptized--she already read the whole BOM etc. and is only waiting to get baptized with J-. The only problem is that J- goes to visit her Dad every weekend in Ramos Mejìa, and he is slightly atheist. So he doesn`t want to bring her, and he also doesn`t want to leave her with a member that he doesn`t know to bring her. But I think that as J- gains her own testimony that will help her to be more insistent with her dad, too.
    Saturday was a super great day! S- is our progressing investigator. He is the hermanito of a converso recièn, so his brother is helping him to come, and he is progressing a lot! We taught him on Saturday about the 2,000 stripling warriors (since he is also a young man), and we gave him a calender with the times, where, and what we were going to teach him each day. He is going to get baptized next Saturday, 31/10! He is super capo--he reads whole chapters and prays really well. He is super shy, so he doesn`t talk very much. So we had the idea to have him write a talk to see how much he really understands. But it seems like he understands really well. We are super excited for his progress!
     On Thursday we were heading for R-and J- and a chico ran after us and asked if we were mormons. He said that he knows one of the family`s in the ward, and we got his direction to go visit him. That`s one of those things that every missionary wants to happen--someone comes up in the street and asks them to teach them! So Saturday after S- we went to Ja-`s house and he said that he`s atheist, but he wants to have faith and believe. We taught him about the Book of Mormon, prayer, and going to church. He said that he would go on Sunday. Sunday he didn`t end up going, since he slept in, but he came to church in the evening for an appointment to talk to us, and we taught him Lesson 1, accompanied by a converso recièn. It appears that he has real intent, and we are going to get our ward mission leader involved too, since they were friends when they were little.
    Sunday was awesome. There were 4 nonmembers in the capilla, and a couple menos activos. S- came with his brother, two members brought family members, and a new man came by himself. He said that he visited temple square in Salt Lake City and wanted to know more and that his girlfriend is mormon and told him to go to church. We have an appointment to go visit him on Saturday with a member.
     So basically, we are starting to explode the area! God is blessing us a full--we had divisiones twice last week, and one day we both went to Ramos, but we knew that God would help us for helping his hijas. And He is a full afull!!! We are super excited for the progress of the area, and are looking for more ways to improve and more ways to find new investigators and make a difference.
Weekly Challenge: Did you have a really good friend when you were younger, who you have lost contact with? Look for the way to get in contact with them again--be it through face book, a letter, or a phone call. When the time is right, bring gospel topics into your conversation and see if they are ready to listen to the gospel! Share your testimony with them in word and actions.
I love you all!
Hermana Durfee <3

Oct. 12, 2015 Haz te SAN JUSTO por mas que le cuesta...

Current ZLs and HLE's

Querido Familia y Amigos!!                        Oct. 12, 2015
   Estoy en SAN JUSTO!! I am back in ciudad now, in the area right next to the area where I started my mission, Atalaya. It is a little bit more city-ish that Atalaya was, but the people are friendly. Super weird to be back walking after 9 months on a bike! The good news is that I am re-gaining the hang of it pretty quickly. 
   My new compi is Hermana A- from Florida. She has 2 weeks more than me on the mission, so basically the same time. I will be completing 14 months tomorrow! LOCO! We are the Hermana Lìderes Entrenadoras for two zones: Ramos Mejìa and Merlo. So we have 8 hermanas para cuidar. We are going to start off this transfer with a BANG doing 2 divisiones every week to help the Hermanas have ànimo, sacar sus tapas (take off their lids=get rid of limits!) and help them find new investigators. Pte Robertson said that we can expect miracles in every division, and we are super excited to see what the Lord has prepared! The biggest problem in our zone appears to be finding new investigators--which is also linked to talking to everyone, having short and powerful messages, and having confidence to talk to just one more person. Walking really helps with that, being able to talk to everyone, present them the Book of Mormon, relate it to your personal life, and see if they will read it and thus progress. 
    We are super excited for all of the work and miracles that we are going to see this transfer! With Christ, we are unlimitless!  Philippian 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." 

Love you all! 
Hermana Durfee

Aug. 31, 2015 The Iron Rod is the Word of God

Image result for Book of MormonQuerido Familia y Amigos!      Aug. 31, 2015

     We have seen many miracles this week using the Book of Mormon! We contacted a reference, who is also an Antigua Investigadora, and set a cita to come back. When we arrived, she let us in and told us to present our message. She didn´t seem super open, but was willing to listen. We taught her a little bit about the Book of Mormon and how it could help her in her personal life. When we said we were going to give it to her, she said she didn´t have any money. So we explained that she didn´t have to buy it. But she still protested that it had to be expensive to print etc. We explained that that didn´t matter, since her soul and salvation were worth a lot more than the price of a book. She accepted it, and her countanance changed completely. She became a lot more open and said that she is going to read a little bit every day, and is going to pray to know that it´s true! Wow! 
   We were riding down a busy street, and saw a woman working outside. We pulled over to see if we could help, and found out that she is an Antigua Investigadora. She said we could come back later, and strait out gave us a reference for a neighbor who´s husband had recently passed away. We went strait over, and L- opened the door. She told us all about her husband´s death and other problems she was having, and we explained that we had a book that we would like to share that could help her with these problems, and permítanos pasar. She let us in, and we explained briefly the Book of Mormon and left her the intro to read. She said that she usually doesn´t let any one in her house, but for some reason she let us in. :)
   Our biggest miracle this week is G-. He is the brother of a más o menos activa. We found him in her house last Saturday and taught him about the Book of Mormon and gave him one. Then he went back to La Plata (city 4-5 hours away) this whole week (he´s studying to be policia). On Saturday when he came home for the weekend, we went to teach him and found out that he had read almost 100 pages! He said that he had had dudas about why God told Nefi to kill Laban, but then he figured it out while he continued reading. Awesome. We taught him Lesson 1, and he believed it, and said that it would be important to have a prophet hoy en día. He commited to pray about Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and if the church is true. (His sister already texted him telling him that he had to pray about the church!) He said that when he gets his answer he´ll get baptized. He has a fecha for 26/9! The only problem is that we are only going to be able to visit him once a week, but luckily he graduates in 3 weeks, so the last week we´ll hopefully be able to visit with him every day! 

Other news: It´s Spring!! Everybody is leaving their houses, they are now all outside in the tardes--mucho más fácil contactarlos! Woot! That also means the sun is starting to come out more--thinking about using sunscreen--...AAND the mosquitos!! Noooo! Pulling out the heavy duty bugspray too. The other day my companion looked up, and there was a huge cloud of mosquitos above us, and they kept following us! And then I got bit. Luckily most of my mosquito bites haven´t been like this one, but these were super huge, and they made you bleed. My comp got bit by one, and her whole hand swelled up. Luckily, the aftermath of my bite was not so big. 

Yesterday we had a Muti-stake Conference. Elders Cook and Hales along with Elder Maynes of the 70 and Sister Marriott sent the thingy by satelite from Salt Lake, and Elder Gonzalez, the Pte of Sur America Sur also spoke--I think from somewhere closer to here. :) It was really good. They talked a lot about sanctifying the Día de Reposo, and to the youth about preparing to serve missions! :D

41 Day Challenge: Read the Book of Mormon in 41 days! So I looked at the English copy, and it is only 13 pages in English! I usually study the BOM slowly, analyzing all of the things with cross references, etc. but it´s really cool to be able to see the larger connections between chapters, too! Whatever you do, make sure to read every day! 

Love you all lots! 
Hermana Durfee