I would love to receive a letter from you while I'm on my mission! Here are my addresses for my mission:
Email: breanna.durfee@myldsmail.net
MTC Address (August 13-September 23)
Sister Breanna Annette DurfeeSEP23 ARG-BAW
2023 N 900 E Unit 822
Provo UT 84602
Mission President’s Address (you can send letters here until I can tell you my address for my first assignment):
Sister Breanna Annette Durfee
Argentina Buenos Aires West MissionLa Iglesia de Jesuscristo de los Santos
de los Ultimos Dias; C.C. No. 92
1702 Ciudadela, Buenos Aires
You can also
send letters via pouch mail (see below for instructions).
Mail Address:
Sister Breanna Annette Durfee
Argentina Buenos Aires West MissionPOB 30150
Salt Lake City UT 84130-0150
Important Things to know about the
Pouch Service:
Can only be a one sided one page
letter or a post card
Cost to send to SLC - One Forever
Stamp · Cost to send the letter from SLC to the Missionary - FREE
· Do not include any other item in the letter such as printed pictures, currency or medication, etc.
· Pouch mail is sent each Friday. If received after sent, it will be held till the next week.
- Write a letter on a single sheet of paper (8 1/2- inch x 11-inch sheet of printer type paper, NO NOTEBOOK OR
LIGHT WEIGHT TYPE PAPER). Note: Envelopes CANNOT be used.
- Fold it in thirds - The
sheet is to be folded into three parts, as is commonly done to insert into
a business envelope.
o Lay the blank side of the single-sheet letter facing down
with the writing facing you.
o Fold the top of the letter about one-third of the way down,
and crease.o Fold the bottom of the letter to the top of the first fold, and crease.
3. Tape it closed - The top edge of the sheet should be fastened with tape on the top edge only, no closer than one inch to either side.
4. Address it directly
on the outside of the paper in the middle of the sheet write the pouch
Breanna Annette Durfee
Buenos Aires West Mission
Lake City UT 84130-0150
5. Write your return address in
the top left hand corner.
6. Apply
a Stamp in the top right hand corner and mail it directly to
Church HQ using the US Postal Service.